Monday, October 27, 2014

Lesson Plans for Conference Week 10.27-10.31.14

Day 1
In class;
Access your Google Classroom 

Day 2
  • Judicial Review
  • Worksheet and Quiz
Finish Chapter 12 of the American Pageant by Friday
Continue to work on you Unit 4 Terms

Friday, October 24, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.24.14

Unit 3 Test

Unit 4 Terms - there are 124 so DO NOT procrastinate - Due November 10, 2014
American Pageant, Chapter 11
AMSCO (new), Chapter 7

Lesson Plans 10.23.14

Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
Pilot future standardized test

Study for Unit 3 Test
~ Terms (due tomorrow)
~ Review Chapters 9 & 10

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.22.14

Why did the Federalists oppose the Louisiana Purchase?

1. Louisiana Purchase Timeline

  • What was the Louisiana Purchase?
  • How do you think Americans felt about it?

Did the Federalists oppose the Louisiana Purchase for practical or political reasons?  (In other words, did the Federalists have real concerns, or did they just hate Jefferson?)

American Pageant, pages 204-209
AMSCO (new), pages 114-118

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.21.14

Alexander Hamilton vs. Thomas Jefferson

1. Read American Pageant 
    Hamilton Battles Jefferson for a Bank - pages 195-196
   The Emergence of Political Parties - pages 196-198 (note the chart at the top of page 197)

2. In your opinion, what would you say is the BIGGEST difference between Jefferson and         Hamilton?

1. Letters from Hamilton & Jefferson to Washington

White House Poetry Jam - Alexander Hamilton

Guiding Questions

American Pageant, pages 197-204
AMSCO (new) pages 110-114

Monday, October 20, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.20.14 - Substitute Teacher

Ms. Niles is out of the building today.  Here are the lesson plans;

What types of government did Federalists and Anti-Federalists prefer?

Introduction - mini lecture on the Constitution


  1. Alexander Hamilton & Melancton Smith
  2. Graphic Organizer
  1. What was Hamilton's position on representation?
  2. What was Smith's position?
  3. What arguments did they make in support of their claims?
  4. Based on these arguments, what type of people would you guess tended to be Federalists?  Anti-Federalists?
  5. If you could have chosen, what side would you have supported?
  6. Do you see versions of these issues being debated today?
Summarize - the differences between the two groups

What actually happened?
  1. New York ratified the Constitution by a vote of 30-27
  2. The Anti-Federalists lost the battle but won the war.  The first 10 amendments to the Constitution - the Bill of Rights - were ratified in 1791.  These addressed many of the issues that the Anti-Federalists raised in the conventions
American Pageant; Chapter 11 pages 190-197
AMSCO (new ) pages 108-110

Friday, October 17, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.17.14 - Substitute Teacher

Ms. Niles is out of the building today.  Here are the lesson plans;

Bring up the following link

Watch and take Cornell notes on the following videos
  • The Articles of Confederation (7:37)
  • The Constitution (6:43)
  • Alexander Hamilton’s Financial Plan (9:14)
  • Federalists and Democratic-Republicans (6:56)
  • The Alien and Sedition Acts (6:37)

All videos combined are a little over 37 minutes.  If you need more time, then you will have this as homework.  I suggest you do as much as you can during class time.  Your Cornell notes will be due on Monday.  You can do them on paper or electronically through Google Classroom. Your choice.

American Pageant, Chapter 10 pages 182-187 (continued)
AMSCO (New) Chapter 6

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.16.14

Essential Questions

  1. What were the political, economic, and social results of the American Revolution?
  2. What were the major compromises of the Constitutional Convention and the major arguments for and against the ratification of the Constitution?

  1. What happened in Shay's rebellion?
  2. How is it connected to the Articles of Confederation?
  3. How did Americans respond?
  4. Did all Americans think the Articles of Confederation were too weak?
  5. How did Americans react to Shays' Rebellion?
  1. Thomas Jefferson on Shays' Rebellion
    1. Guiding Questions
Online Lecture: New Republic
American Pageant pages 182-187
AMSCO (New) pages 106-109
***Bring your ear buds tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.15.14

Early Release
PSAT - most students testing

American Pageant pages 176-181

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.14.14

Unit 3 Quiz

Online Lecture: Origins of the Constitution - take notes
American Pageant  pages 166-174
Read (New) AMSCO pages 91-93

Monday, October 13, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.13.14

Peer Edit

  1. Students will comment with constructive criticism on the essays written last Thursday
  2. Students will comment on content and conventions

Support, refute, or modify the following statement:  “The American Revolution was fundamentally a conservative revolution.”

Study terms & notes and review readings for Unit Test tomorrow

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.9.14

Essential Questions

  1. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the colonists and the British on the eve of the American Revolution?
  2. How did the Declaration of Independence reflect the colonists’ belief in the superiority of republican self-government based on the natural rights of the people?
  3. What were the political, economic, and social results of the American Revolution?

  1. In class short essay
    1. Support, refute or modify the following statement: "The American Revolution was fundamentally a conservative revolution."
American Pageant - Chapter 9 pages 164-189 (pay close attention to the chart at the bottom of 181)
New AMSCO pages 91-94

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.8.14

Essential Questions

  1. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the colonists and the British on the eve of the American Revolution?
  2. How did the Declaration of Independence reflect the colonists’ belief in the superiority of republican self-government based on the natural rights of the people?
  3. What were the political, economic, and social results of the American Revolution?

Units 1 & 2 Test Review
American Pageant - Chapter 8 pages 156-163
New AMSCO page 95

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.7.14

Essential Questions
  1. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the colonists and the British on the eve of the American Revolution?
  2. How did the Declaration of Independence reflect the colonists’ belief in the superiority of republican self-government based on the natural rights of the people?
  3. What were the political, economic, and social results of the American Revolution?

American Revolution

  1. Describe the Battles of Lexington and Concord.  How are they significant to U.S. history?
  2. How did the alliance with France help the colonies win the American Revolution?

American Pageant - Chapter 8 pages 148-156 (including 150-151)
New AMSCO page 90

Monday, October 6, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.6.14

Essential Questions
  1. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the colonists and the British on the eve of the American Revolution?
  2. How did the Declaration of Independence reflect the colonists’ belief in the superiority of republican self-government based on the natural rights of the people?
  3. What were the political, economic, and social results of the American Revolution?


  1. Read/Analyze the Declaration of Independence using guided questions
    1. Identify the most compelling reason that the colonists were successful in the American Revolution
    2. To what extent did the Declaration of Independence reflect the belief in the superiority of republican self-government based on the natural rights of the people

Discuss - upon completion of the analysis

  1. Students are organized into 5 groups arranged by color (yellow/blue/orange/green/pink)
  2. Directions:
  1. Read the complaints of the Declaration of Independence assigned to your group
  2. Discuss each complaint with your group, and then answer the questions below
  3. Select a
a.            recorder - writes up the notes from the group discussion and hands  
them to the presenter (group should discuss notes before being 
b.            readers (2-3) - read the original complaints aloud to class
c.            presenter - will read the group’s responses to the class
d.            ALL members of the group will participate and give their ideas as the   group discusses the complaints
Questions for each group -
  1. What is each complaint about?
  2. Write a brief description of each complaint in your own words.
  3. Who is “He” that the colonists refer to in the grievances?
  4. Who are the colonists blaming for their grievances?  Why do you think they are blaming him?

Homework –       
Read American Pageant – Chapter 8 pages 141-148
New AMSCO pages 85-89

Friday, October 3, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.3.14

Essential Questions
  1. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the colonists and the British on the eve of the American Revolution?
  2. How did the Declaration of Independence reflect the colonists’ belief in the superiority of republican self-government based on the natural rights of the people?
  3. What were the political, economic, and social results of the American Revolution?

  1. Use a T-chart to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the colonists and the British on the eve of the Revolutionary War


  1. Read/Analyze the Declaration of Independence using guided questions
    1. Identify the most compelling reason that the colonists were successful in the American Revolution
    2. To what extent did the Declaration of Independence reflect the belief in the superiority of republican self-government based on the natural rights of the people?

American Pageant Chapter 7

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.2.14


  1. Using ear buds, students will watch the following video clips
    1. APUSH Review Key Concept 3.1
    2. APUSH Review: Thomas Paine's Common Sense
    3. APUSH Review: Key Concept 3.2
Note Taking
  1. Take Cornell Notes on the videos. These will be due tomorrow.
American Pageant Chapter 8 pages 141-146

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Lesson Plans 10.1.14

Early Release 12:45
Substitue for Ms. Niles

Continued from yesterday
~ Continue with work on SOAPStone and Formative Assessment - due at the end of the period

Online lecture # 6  - Toward Revolution and Independence